Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kata-kata hikmah

Buat perkara yang Tuhan suka, tetapi manusia tidak suka, akhirnya manusia itu akan suka juga.

Buat perkara yang Tuhan tidak suka, tetapi manusia suka, akhirnya manusia itu akan benci kita

Kartun Politik Zunar

Philippine ex-President Estrada: sodomy charge against friend Anwar 'politically motivated'

By TERESA CEROJANO,Associated Press Writer AP - Thursday, July 17

MANILA, Philippines - Ousted Philippine President Joseph Estrada on Thursday criticized the sodomy charge against his friend, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, as politically motivated.

"I hope that the Malaysian government will exercise prudence and observe due process in Anwar's case," Estrada said in a statement.

Estrada, who hosted Anwar in Manila last month and praised him as a democracy icon, said Anwar's arrest Wednesday on allegations that he sodomized a 23-year-old male aide appeared to be politically motivated.

He did not elaborate, but it was the second time in a decade that such an accusation has threatened Anwar's political career.

Malaysian police freed Anwar on bail Thursday after arresting him Wednesday for questioning and holding him overnight.

Anwar was fired as deputy prime minister in 1998, after being accused of sodomizing his family driver. Malaysia's Supreme Court later overturned his conviction, but by then Anwar had served six years in prison on a related charge of abuse of power. He was freed in 2004.

A former movie star, the 71-year-old Estrada was toppled in 2001 on corruption charges, and was jailed for six years during his plunder trial. He was convicted last year but was pardoned by his successor, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Last month, Estrada hosted a dinner party in his home for Anwar, and called him "part of my family."


'Serious concerns' over Malaysian politician's arrest: US

AFP - Thursday, July 17

WASHINGTON, July 16, 2008 (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday that the arrest of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim over sodomy allegations sodomy has raised "serious concerns."

"We believe the detention today of prominent Malaysian opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim raises serious questions and concerns," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in a statement.

"We urge Malaysian authorities to resolve this matter in a manner that builds confidence in the impartial rule of law in Malaysia," he said.

Anwar underwent a long interrogation at the Malaysian police headquarters Wednesday and was then taken to hospital for a medical examination and would be held overnight at an undisclosed location, his lawyers said.

Anwar's wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said she feared for his safety, after the events of a decade ago when he was sacked as deputy premier, beaten up by the police chief, and jailed for six years on sodomy and corruption charges.

Anwar has dismissed the latest accusations as a conspiracy to prevent him from rising into power.

The charges threaten to derail his political comeback and his plans to oust the government with the help of defecting lawmakers after landmark March elections that handed the opposition unprecedented gains.

Two US rights groups also expressed concerns about the arrest and hoped the investigation into the sodomy claims was not used as a political tool to silence him.

The arrest "is of great concern to us and the international community," said Lorne Craner, president of the International Republican Institute, and Ken Wollack, president the National Democratic Institute.

They noted that the similar charge filed against him a decade ago was ultimately overturned by Malaysia's Supreme Court.

Craner and Wollack also questioned the timing of the current allegations amid Anwar's re-emergence on the national political scene since a ban on his involvement in politics expired in April 2008.

"We hope that the investigation into the allegation is not used as a political tool to silence an outspoken government critic," they said.

Sodomy, even between consenting adults, is illegal in predominantly Muslim Malaysia and punishable by 20 years imprisonment.


Japan says seeking information on Anwar

AFP - Thursday, July 17

TOKYO, July 17, 2008 (AFP) - Japan said Thursday it will seek information about the arrest of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim during an ASEAN meeting next week.

Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura is due to head next week to Singapore for meetings with his colleagues from the Association of Southeast Asian nations.

"Japan hopes to use the occasion to grasp the situation so as to decide how to react on the matter," chief government spokesman Nobutaka Machimura told reporters.

Anwar was freed on bail Thursday after being arrested on new accusations of sodomy, which he dismissed as a conspiracy to thwart his plans to topple the government.

The US said Wednesday that Anwar's arrest raised "serious concerns".

Japan considers Southeast Asia a key area of influence and entered a free-trade agreement with Malaysia in July last year


S Musliadi dari UMNO ke PKR

S Musliadi Sabtu, aktivis Umno cawangan Taman Widuri Indah telah beralih arah ke PKR

Parlimen - Azmin Berang Anwar Ditangkap 16/7/08 - Part 2

Parlimen - Azmin Berang Anwar Ditangkap 16/7/08 - Part 1

ucapan dari mp gombak azmin ali berikutan penangkapan datuk seri anwar ibrahim

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Amerika beri amaran pada Malaysia

Akulah Pejuang (Amy Search) - A Tribute to Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Bintang-bintang berkerlipan
Indah dipandang
Bagaikan kilauan impian
Dimata seorang pejuang

Walau jauh namunkan tetap kelihatan
meruntun hati semangat seorang pejuang
jiwa meronta tanpa merasa ketakutan
akulah pejuang, pejuang impian

pahit maung, jatuh bangun
ku tetap bertahan
biar perpanas dan berhujan
demikian di harapan

biarpun jauh namun tetap aku genggam
takkan meruntun semangat untuk ku terus berjuang
jiwa membara tanpa merasa ketakutan
aku lah pejuang, pejuang impian

ACA quizzes Anwar on fabrication claims

ACA quizzes Anwar on fabrication claims

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was quizzed for about two hours by Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) officers at their headquarters in Putrajaya today.

The opposition stalwart was called in concerning his police report alleging fabrication of evidence regarding his 'black eye' incident in 1999.

Anwar arrived at the ACA headquarters at 10.05am accompanied by three lawyers - R Sivarasa, Sankara Nair and Param Cumaraswamy.

Some 30 supporters were also present.

The embattled politician - looking relaxed and fresh after his TV debate last night - smiled at waiting reporters before going into the ACA building.

PKR slams the arrest of de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

PKR slams the arrest of de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

PKR slams the arrest of de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as a political conspiracy to thwart the imminent takeover of the nation by the opposition parties

Reactions to Anwar's Arrest

Family and friends expressed their disappointment over Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's arrest, Wednesday.

Anwar arrested outside his house

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was arrested by the police just outside his home in Bukit Segambut, Kuala Lumpur, at 12.55pm today.

Sankara: Datuk is fine

Lawyer Sankara Nair giving a chronology of events leading to the arrest of PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Wednesday.

Anwar Ibrahim Ditangkap Polis Selepas Berdebat

Anwar Ibrahim Ditangkap Polis Selepas Berdebat

Anwar Ditangkap - Suasana di IPK Kuala Lumpur - 16/7/08

Suasana di IPK Kuala Lumpur selepas tangkapan yang tidak sah terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar.

Sungguh tidak professional dan tidak adil...